Christmas Gifts 2024
By Jenny Jones //
06-12-2024 //
With Christmas approching, we wanted to use this oppotunity to highlight some of our products that we believe would make excellent gift ideas, whether that b...

The Story of our Sing with me Nursery Rhyme Bag
By Jenny Jones //
09-06-2023 //
Inspiring Stories,
Toddler Group
Once upon a time, over 30 years ago now, I joined our church's Tots Group after my son David was born. It was a fantastic way to meet other parents and watc...

Easter Activities for Toddler Groups
By Jenny Jones //
04-03-2022 //
Toddler Group
You see, Christmas has it all. The cute baby Jesus, the singing choir of angels, the range of animals happily gathering around the manger... all this togethe...

Stories Praizin Hands
By Jenny Jones //
14-01-2022 //
Inspiring Stories,
Puppet Team
“Every single person in the congregation, from the youngest to the oldest,
was transfixed on the puppets”
We had always used small glove puppets in our yout...

Time to Hop Again
By Jenny Jones //
18-06-2021 //
Toddler Group
Wake up sleeping bunnies, tots is starting up again!
Yes... we are going to have to adapt
Yes... It's going to be a challenge
Yes.. we may not have all our ...

Ready to Restart
By Jenny Jones //
11-06-2021 //
Puppet Team
"Well... we did have a flourishing puppet team, but since COVID,
I'm not really sure what's left now"
Unfortunately, that may be the sentiments for many pupp...